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Struggling to get a constant flow of customers?

Meet Passticks.

Quickly create beautiful Experience Funnels  for free that are proven to generate more revenue per attendee than any other platform

Start building your first Experience Funnel now!

Works for every type of event

Proven to generate more money per attendee

Quickly build Experience Funnels that convert

Image by Karsten Winegeart

Ben Davies, Rapid Events

"On average, I generate more than double the revenue per attendee on Passticks than any other ticket platform. Experience Funnels allow me to use one-click upsells and order bumps that massively boost sales. All of this happens after my customers have already bought their tickets so I don’t lose sales or annoy them with add-ons and extras."

World class promoters & artists
love using Passticks

See for yourself...



Verified Passticks Artist

  • Sold tickets on Passticks for his 10,000 capacity StarBoy Fest

  • 18M+ Instagram Followers

  • Multi-Grammy Award Winner


D-Block Europe

Verified Passticks Artist

  • Sold tickets on Passticks for their 20,000 capacity DBE Fest

  • 2M+ Instagram Followers

  • Official UK No. 1 Album



Verified Passticks Promoter

  • 60,000+ tickets sold every year+ InstagraFollowers

  • Ayia Napa's most popular events brand

Start building your first Experience Funnel now!

What is an Experience Funnel...

And why do you need one?

Let us show you why promoters just like you are abandoning their ticket platforms for Passticks.

The old, archaic way of selling tickets...

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Introducing Experience Funnels

An Experience Funnel is like a “digital road” that moves your dream customers down the buyer’s journey step-by-step.

It extract additional revenue at every step of the way.

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You need to be able to build out a full value ladder of offers after the original sale or you’re not maximising revenue for your event

Start building your first Experience Funnel now!

Let us share with you a quick story that will help you to understand what an Experience Funnel is, and more importantly, why do YOU need one.  

It cost Isaac (Passticks Co-Founder) £21.33 in advertising to sell a £60 ticket for his first event brand Club100 Mega Deal...

The problem was, he had £40 of other expenses to pay per customer, meaning he was actually losing money!

That’s when he realised the easiest way to increase profits for the event wasn’t to have more customers... was to make more from your
existing customers.

You see, once someone has already bought a ticket to your event, it’s much easier to get them to spend more money than it is to get a new customer...

Instead of just selling a ticket, he:

Added a simple order-form bump that averaged 15% increase in revenue.

He also added a one-click upsell, which was an additional 112% increase in revenue.

He also added a one-click downsell, which was an additional 71% revenue.

So basically, for every £60 a normal ticket would make him, a funnel made him £178.80!

He was
profitable! And this is how Passticks was born...

Where website visitors can come in the top...

And cash comes out the bottom...
This is what we call an
"Experience Funnel..."

Start building your first Experience Funnel now!

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